I have found that there are pros and cons to each of the companies I work for. There are two companies where I had to sign up for shops and wait to be approved. Once I completed a set number of shops, I was then allowed to self assign. Being able to self assign is very important. You get to choose the shop you want, the dates and sometimes the times. Two other companies allowed me to self assign from the start! This allowed me to get started right away!
Two of the companies also make it very easy to reschedule shops. I wasn't feeling that well today and wanted to get into a clinic. I had six shops and I rescheduled one for next weekend because I knew it would be a longer shop and it was the only one I could reschedule. Another company allows you to email them about a shop and get an extension. I have done that few times because I was sick or because we got iced in! They usually call and allow the extension, but I try not to ask for them too often. In the past year I have probably only asked for about eight extensions. The fourth company allows you to email them and cancel a shop, but not to reschedule. However, some of their shops do have window of dates and you get to choose the date. You can go in and change it if needed, but this for a limited number of shops.
It is important you know the policy of each company when it comes to rescheduling. I have been told by someone at one of the companies that I have a good rating. I guess this means I have done a good job on reporting my shops! I want to keep that good rating!
Three of the four companies offer bonuses for shops that they really need to get done. Some offer extra pay if the shop is farther away than usual. Two of them send out emails offering more for the fee if a shop is completed. I have gotten double the fee at times! Sometimes they even call to ask you to do a shop, and I have learned to negotiate!
I like each company for different reasons. Each of them has their pros and cons when it comes to scheduling, but for the most part they are all good and consistent!
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