Company #1-- I work for lets you take the quiz and then lists the questions with the correct answers. If you got it correct GREAT, and if you didn't, well then here is the correct answer. I copy them all down and take the quiz again....COOL! No problems. Once I pass the test, I never have to take it again. This is really nice, because the same types of shops come up each month and I don't want to have to retake the quiz!!!
Company #2--This company has you take the quiz EACH time you sign up for a specific kind of shop, even if you just did one JUST LIKE it the week before. The nice thing is, they tell you which ones you got wrong and you just try again. You keep trying until you get it right! NOT so bad, and after a while you really learn the answers because you keep taking the same test.
Company #3 and #4--You take complete a short questionnaire about the shop. They ask questions about if your family works for this company or if you have ever worked for this company. You just have to really pay attention and not rush through them, because if you mess it up and get one wrong then you can't do any shops for that kind of shop the whole month!
Company #5--Now this company takes its quizzes seriously. You take the quiz for each type of shop that you sign up for each month. So if you do 30 bank shops in April, you still have to take the same bank quiz in May. You get three chances to take it and if you miss more than 80% of the questions, they don't even tell you WHICH ones you got wrong. So you better take your time and look up each question. If you fail it three times, then you can call in and speak to someone who coaches you on the questions you miss and generally you still get the shops. Now the bank quiz is not too bad, because they are each month and the questions generally stay the same. This is also true for some of the gas shops, HOWEVER there is one particular gas shop that comes out with a different quiz EACH period they occurs(which is about three times a year) and has 25-30 questions.
Just tonight, I printed the test and looked up the answers. I was SURE I got them all right, but I missed six. I didn't even know which six. Well, my partner takes the same quiz so she came in and we searched for answers. I TOOK the test again and missed three questions, but NOW I knew which three. Well she had already failed it once so SHE took it again after we LOOKED up answers again--we really couldn't find some of them and we both have college degrees--and kept track of past answers....well she missed ONE question and we had already tried 2 of the 3 answer choices so NOW we knew the answer. She passed it on her third try and then I took the sheet and passed it on my last try. IT was almost like studying for a final exam!
We are keeping this test just in case some of the questions show up again during the next period these come out! Never take these quizzed lightly, you never know when you might read something too quickly(which I had done a few times) and get one wrong, just because you misread something!
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