Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pay Attention!

I did two gas stations yesterday that required photos. I have had two long weeks at school and was very tired when I came home! I threw some dinner in the oven and sat down to try to get at least one shop done. I downloaded all the pictures I needed for both shops and resized them. I then put them into folder for each shop. Well, some where along the way I mixed up some photos. I realized it after reporting on the first shop. I reported the second shop and woke up today to an email stating that I had loaded the same photo for each shop and I needed to fix it. I am STILL waiting for the company to open up the shops online so I can fix the situation.

Lesson learned here:
1) Don't rush when trying to do a shop
2) If you are tired, wait and at least eat dinner before trying to report the shop
3) if possible, don't do two of the same shop on the same day and if you do, PAY ATTENTION to the pictures

I am off to see if the shops are open on the website...I sure hope so!

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